Thursday, October 18, 2012

R.R for Okonkwo

Okonkwo is one of the main characters in the book "Things Fall Apart" by Chinua Achebe and in this book Okonkwo is seen as a very hard working man who takes no nonsense from his family or anyone else. His fathers reputation was a horrible one, in this society they judge a man by the things he accomplishes in life, like marrying many wives, having many children, owning many crops and lives stock in other words having a flourishing farm. Okonkwo's father was known to be lazy, in debt, and died a shameful death in the evil forest, people did not even respect him as a man so they referred to him as a woman. Okonkwo was determined to detach the shameful legacy of his father from himself so he started at a very young age to developed his own yam crop. He is seen as a very brave and wealthy man and he represents that in the story. In this society a manly man tolerates no behavior he sees a s shameful, this is seen in the book when it states "Okonkwo ruled his household with a heavy hand. His wife, especially the youngest, lived in perpetual fear of his fiery temper, and so did his little children. (Achebe, 9). Also the text shows how respected and admired Okonkwo was in the community he lived in because he had  a "rags to riches" life, his father did not leave him any valuable inheritance so he had to make it in the world on his own, taking care of his fathers wife and his own family and it amazed people how well he was doing especially when they consider the life he had struggled to get out of. One man states in the book "Looking at a king's mouth,' said an old man, 'one would think he had never sucked his mothers breast.' He was talking about Okonkwo, who had risen so suddenly from great poverty and misfortune to be one of the lords of the clan. (Achebe, 19). However even though he may be a wealthy man, he has a lot to learn about what an ideal Ibo man is, yes an Ibo man is strong , brave, and wealthy, however the ideal Ibo man is all of that plus compassionate and patient, which is something Okonkwo knows nothing about.

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